Department of Philosophy
Philosophy is an activity of the rational faculties and a comprehensive process of thought. It involves testing and evaluating positions. Philosophy, being a rational inquiry, sharpens our thinking, enriches our understanding and expands our area of contemplation. The department of Philosophy offers programs of teaching and research in philosophy at Under graduate level covering various fields of philosophy e.g. Classical Indian and Western Tradition, Buddhism, Jainism, Nyaya Philosophy, Continental Philosophy, Philosophy of science, Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Religion, Logic, Philosophical Reasoning, Ethics, Applied Ethics, Feminist Philosophy and Socio-Political Philosophy. The department is committed to provide such an enabling environment wherein young minds can get good exposure of different areas of Philosophy and can learn methods of philosophical inquiry. The Department of Philosophy of the College enriches student’s knowledge through innovative teaching-learning process. The department also provides education on the rich tradition of Indian philosophy. It offers ¾ years undergraduate course based on Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) under the New Education Policy.

Dr. Shashank Shukla
Head of the Department