C. M. College (Arts and Commerce)

( A Post Graduate Constituent Unit of L.N.Mithila University,Darbhanga )
( Accredited with 'B' Grade (C.G.P.A. 2.84) by NAAC )

Magazines and Publications


The college brings out following regular publication :


Abhivyakti is annual college magazine. Students and faculty members contribute to the publication by submitting their orginial writings including poems, short stories, articals, news items and material on other topics of interest. The magazine also showcases various sports, co-curricular activities and major events of the preceding year in the college as colored and monochrome photographs. Extraordinary achievements of the students along with their photograph are also published in college magazine "Abhivyakti ". There are Messages from the Principal, the manager of the college and some other person of repute.


In-Sight focuses on the special events, workshops and seminars of the month and administrative and academic announcements of students' interest.


Department and faculties also bring out e-News Letter from time to time highlighting various achevements of the departments, faculty member and students, workshop and seminar organised by the respective department and other information regarding emplyment and future prospects

The EPOCH Making Study center which provides extensive scholarly research and advanced study facilities on gandhi and nehru regularly publishes monograms, research papers, leaflets and pamphlets. Some of the major publications of Epoch Making CStudy Center are :

Souvenirs owned special occasions particularly whenever National and International Seminar are orgained, are also published to mark the occassion.